It was built at the north side of Lake Kawaguchiko in Oishi Park for the purpose to promote agriculture of blueberry. Visitors can make jam and pick blueberries in summer. There is a cafe to enjoy blueberries.
Visited 92 times, 1 visit(s) today
It was built at the north side of Lake Kawaguchiko in Oishi Park for the purpose to promote agriculture of blueberry. Visitors can make jam and pick blueberries in summer. There is a cafe to enjoy blueberries.
富士山と河口湖のフォトスポットとして有名な大石公園内に建つ観光施設。ラベンダーグッズや手作りジャムなどを販売しています。親子で参加できる「ジャム作り体験」は、手作りジャムの“お土産付き”の楽しい体験教室です。大石公園は河口湖初夏の花と香りのイベント、河口湖 ハーブフェスティバルの会場としても有名。